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Lesellia the Shapeshifter[]

Lesellia is often called the weakest of the gods by those too thick to understand power. Lesellia was never a strong fighter, but she inherited the intelligence and charm of Alnasia, which has gotten her out of trouble many times.

After the world was created, Lesellia did not create a home for herself. She lived with Feyus in Alnasia's Orchard and grew gardens and food with him. When she grew tired, Lesellia began to roam the cosmos, but always returned to her brother to talk.

Lesellia brewed the first wine in Alnasia's Orchard, and brought it to the feast to honour the Titan Mother. After Akatu was slain, Lesellia was wracked with guilt. She blamed herself for his death, and she shunned the gods to live in the mortal world. Her years spent among the mortals were made more enjoyable by Feyus, who would meet her on mountaintops to bring her wine from home.

Though Lesellia did not observe Feyus' fight with Axxaasto, learning about it filled her with sadness. Watching her brother cross the sky each day and knowing he would never visit her again, Lesellia decided to help. By day, Feyus guarded the mortal world, so Lesellia created the moon to cross the sky at night.

Lesellia spends her days crossing the world and meeting new people. When she does, she often tests them to see if they are being kind and true to themselves, or good to each other. The Parable of Cras is a famous story about her interaction with a human man.


The gods created mortals with important gifts – creativity, love, and free will. These are things to be cherished, not suppressed. One way to fully enjoy life is to take to the road and follow your instinct.

Love is a sign that Lesellia wishes you to act to enjoy life. Hatred is a sign that Lesellia wishes you to remove a hindrance to your enjoyment. Both are signs of passion to be encouraged and displayed freely. To obey another is to destroy your free will.

Although authority might prevent a single evil, it must be questioned readily and often in order to prevent it becoming institutionalized like those who follow Zarodossa.

To act on one's urges is neither good nor evil - it is only the actions taken in cold blood and calm minds that can be truly judged as right or wrong. To act rashly based on urges is often short-sighted, but not altogether evil.

When confronted with unpleasant things, it is best to ignore them if possible in favour of pleasant things. When you are confronted by pleasant things, do your best to enjoy them fully in the moment in case they are gone soon.



Thanks: “Winds be at your back.”

I need blessings: “Mother of love, think of me in your travels.”

When Wooing: “The court of the wild goddess calls, and I invite you to accompany me.”

For a funeral: “A life well lived. We will remember your gifts and forget your name.”


Meeting a Stranger: When meeting a stranger and interacting with them for a short while, a follower of Lesellia will offer small gifts. This is because any stranger could be the Shapeshifter herself.

Love: Followers of Lesellia do not believe in monogamous relationships. Nonetheless, the act of love is sacred and should be observed with the wind blowing and with the moon overhead.

Travel: Before setting out on a journey, it is customary to leave a pair of shoes and a bag of food on the road after the first day of travel so that less fortunate travellers might take them.

Duel: If a follower of Lesellia is offended with another, they may agree to a duel. The means of the duel, the prize, and the consequences (death or otherwise) are determined mutually before the duel.

Moon Festival: The 1st to the 8th of Lesiken is the Moon Festival. On these days, people gather around Mount Lesellia for indulgence.


Travel: Followers of Lesellia know that seeing the world is their right, and will often make long, directionless pilgrimages.

Taboos: Taboos and euphemisms are not often observed by followers of Lesellia.

Temples: Clerics of Lesellia do not build temples. They travel across the land trying to spread the freedom and joy of Lesellia to those who are blinded by order.

Law: Laws are considered a means to an end, and are not to be observed if they do not help achieve the greater good.
